Make plans now for patio of pavers, bricks, flagstone

Warm weather and relaxing evenings of sitting on a front or backyard patio are just around the corner. Make plans now to upgrade or build a new patio of pavers, brick, or flagstone.

Scheduling your stone project in late winter or early spring means getting ahead of the busiest season. And to lay pavers, brick, or flagstone, you need only to wait for the winter frost to melt.

Whether you want the uniform style of pavers or the rustic look of flagstone, patios, walkways, stairs and walls are great projects to target now, as weather is breaking and frozen ground begins to thaw. Once the frost has melted, the comfortable, temperate weather of early spring means a quick and pleasant process for DIYers and contractors alike.

Tips for your patio project

  • Ensure the ground is fully thawed before beginning your patio preparations. Freezing causes the ground to heave and excess moisture will cause soil to sink, so a full thaw ensures that your chosen area can be made level and stable.
  • Check the forecast before beginning your project. Mild frost is not a problem, but a heavy frost during installation can cause your newly leveled ground to shift.
  • A patio or walkway needs a stable sub-base that includes gravel and bedding sand. A grade that allows water to flow away from the center also will help keep moisture from settling in the foundation and causing shifting of your pavers.
  • Protect your pavers with a quality penetrating sealer to prevent the chips, stains and erosion that frequently occur with use and during cold temperatures.
  • Consider hiring a professional to ensure proper installation and the longest life from your paver, brick or stone patio.

While changing temperatures will cause some shifting in your stone patio in Akron, Cleveland and across Northeast Ohio, careful installation will minimize this. An advantage of using pavers, bricks and flagstones is when shifting does occur, individual stones can be reset or replaced as needed.

At Ohio Beauty Cut Stone, a wide selection of pavers, bricks and flagstone makes it easy to customize a patio that perfectly fits your home. Choose from natural and artificial stone, both of which are great choices for patios, walkways and all your stonescaping projects in Akron, Cleveland and across Northeast Ohio.

Call today for the best options for scheduling your patio installation.